Tag Archives: city builder

Banished – Is there any mod to fix this bug?

Is there any mod to fix this bug?

There is a pretty common and annoying bug where a family will split up into multiple houses if there is an extra. So a husband will leave his wife and kids to go take up a house all by himself. It's a waste because then a new couple cannot move in to that house and produce more kids. I hate having to click on every house to find the ones inhabited by one person and having to mark and unmark it for destruction so that the guy will move out and a new couple will move in.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 09:46AM by DoctorDoomsPvP
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UxCyHq

Cities Skylines – Collecting Collections (via /u/DK115)

Collecting Collections

I am a fan big of good quality asset (or props) collections. At the moment Steam and the game itself is very poor in organising and finding these collections except perhaps building themes.

This post is about asking your input to extend my list, so all of you (and me), who are also a fan of good quality asset collections, knows where to find them. And recognizing these sets is also a tribute to the fantastic work some of the Modders do.

First let me explain a bit more on types and my definition of good quality of collcetions. (and hopefully you all agree). There are multiple types of collections: * Extending the services in the vanilla game in a consistent way. For instance a set of extra water pumps expanding on the vanilla one.

  • Extending the services in a special type of game. For a set of service building fitting in European style High Density neighborhood
  • Growables. A complete and consistent set of growable houses of offices. Like the houses of the South of France. (Building Themes).
  • A complete set of vehicles like trains from the UK or a complete Mercedes bus line.

And, of course, there are mor types. What defines, at least for me, a good collection:

  • Consistency . Like all types of houses in a building theme have the same consistent style or in a set of parking places.

  • Completeness, Like all parking places between 1×1 and 5×5 are available.

  • Modular. Assets, in some cases, need to fit well next to each other.

  • Comprenhensive. Not only two parts if more is possible.

Some of the collection presented are already organized as a collection and some are collections from my side.

Suggestions adding items to a specific collection of complete collections are both very welcome!

This is a list of my collections so far.


Housing sets





(too bad these two above are not one complete set including one set of icons)



Vehicles collections



Unique buildings

European Style (as one set) The Gray Whale-QuariumMuseumNew City HallBaroque ParliamentMonument

Unique buildings – fantasy




Parks & plaza's



Submitted June 16, 2016 at 02:14AM by DK115
via reddit http://ift.tt/1OroE9h