Tag Archives: CoC

Clash Royale – we need a new defense targeting troop via /r/ClashRoyale

we need a new defense targeting troop

How about instead of nerfing hog we added another alternative that had it's own niche uses like hog. I don't have any really great ideas and I would like to see what the community has to say!

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 08:48AM by OmniscientShadow
via reddit http://bit.ly/1rsd4Q2

Clash Royale – Twitch streamer Wisdomkaka spends 2 million gems via /r/ClashRoyale

Twitch streamer Wisdomkaka spends 2 million gems

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 08:54AM by Gordicorn
via reddit http://bit.ly/1UASncC

Clash Royale – [Deck] If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. The Yarn deck. via /r/ClashRoyale

[Deck] If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. The Yarn deck.

This deck rules. Went from 2600 to legend arena in less than a day. I snagged this deck watching Yarn of OJ do battle. As seen here (http://ift.tt/1YtLMGo)

This deck’s secret sauce is the aggressive play style enabled by the 2.9 average elixer cost. Cycling through cards so quickly will enable your heavy hitters(Hog + RG) to circumvent most counters. Not to mention the rest of your deck is very effective to counter most anything.

The deck

Royal Giant- You know him. Deployment and range make this guy so frustrating to deal with. Not to mention he tanks well and can handle must counters with some support behind him.

Hog Rider – Yep, the other card users find so frustrating. The hog in this deck is very versatile. No longer your only win condition, you can use the hog to draw counters early, or send him in when the timing is right to take down the tower.

Fire spirits- One of the main counter cards in this deck. These guys are capable of taking down anything squishy, and if deployed right will even take down Barbarians with a zap.

Spear Goblins- The all around utility card. Offense, defense, hard to find a situation this card does not fit so well. Use the spearchuckers to supplement your attack, or stall an opponents advance.

Skeletons- This card is the ‘save your butt’ card. Being aggressive with your RG or Hog may leave you with little elixer. Having these guys handy can stall your opponent and even become and effective counter. So often minion horde or mini-pekka come charging my way and just place this card down and you can easily stomp out their attack.

Zap- Another all around card. Offense, defense, learn this card and use it for multiple situations.

Cannon- Counter card for all the hogs and RG’s in your life. Learn to place the cannon to aggro the RG but also within range of your tower. The cannon, combined with your tower and another support card will make quick work of any opposing RG’s. The cannon is also the de-facto counter to the Hog Rider. Place your cannon near center to draw the Hog and allow both towers to do work.

Minions- Another powerhouse all rounder. This card plays so well behind the RG and will bring a valk or mini-pekka down to nothing in the time it takes the card to kill the RG. These guys will chop a tower down to nothing, given the chance to do so.

Each of these cards deserve its own write-up for all their nuances, and if you haven’t checked out OJ’s videos, you should go do that. Orange Juice You-tube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3S6nIDGJ5OtpC-mbvFA8Ew)

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 07:25AM by 5thAmigo
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UWRsmG

Clash Royale – [Humor] Regenerating tower health? via /r/ClashRoyale

[Humor] Regenerating tower health?

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 12:50AM by EffectivePower0725
via reddit http://ift.tt/1txvcKz

Clash Royale – This game makes me feel like shit via /r/ClashRoyale

This game makes me feel like shit

I know most of you will downvote me as this is probably just another rant post, but at least I throw it out there and hopefully find others that feel the same.

Some of you may remember me as I posted a week ago that I've reached Arena 8, being totally F2P without any legendaries. After waiting patiently for days for a legendary to appear (which it didnt for a whole week) , I played the game again and ended losing 300 trophies, all of which to people that has at least 2 legendaries.

Losing is fine, this game was meant to make you go for it. But the fact that I have near to zero luck, which chests (not a single SMC since global launch, all MC only), or even EPICS (I have a level 4 X-bow/Rage/Lightning). Everytime I get a rare, its most of the time tombstone/furnace, and I have can probably get a level 10 Mortar/Tesla with all these commons.

It feels depressing, knowing I did well and then it topples a full 180. I want to stop, but all my friends are playing it and I dont wanna be left out, as I've invested so much time as well (constantly on the top of my friendlist).

I dont know about you guys, but this feeling of losing because you have shit luck makes me feel like literal shit.

Edit: didn't think I'd get positive responses. Thanks! Shows that this community is better than Supercell atm. I'll continue pushing for it I guess.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 06:04AM by ELDIABLIU
via reddit http://ift.tt/264UmO1

Clash Royale – Daily Card Discussion for June 16, 2016: #10 Royal Giant via /r/ClashRoyale

Daily Card Discussion for June 16, 2016: #10 Royal Giant

Royal Giant

Sighting his massive cannon at enemy buildings, the Royal Giant comes in like a wrecking ball.

Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target Cost Count Rarity
1.5 sec Slow 1 sec 6 Buildings 6 1 Common
  • This card is unlockable from the Royal Arena (Arena 7).

  • Its appearance is similar to those of a Giant, except it sports a darker colored cloth coat, has a mustache with sideburns which go to its chin, and wields a cannon in his right hand, and a cannonball in its left.

  • The Royal Giant prioritizes buildings as its target, similar to Giant.

Level Hitpoints Damage Damage per second
1 1,200 65 43
2 1,320 71 47
3 1,452 78 52
4 1,596 86 57
5 1,752 94 62
6 1,920 104 69
7 2,112 114 76
8 2,316 125 83
9 2,544 137 91
10 2,796 139 92
11 3,072 153 102
12 3,372 182 121

Some discussion points:

  • What do you like about this card?
  • What do you dislike about this card?
  • What cards work well with this card?
  • When should you play this card?

<= See a list of all previous posts | Tomorrow's Post: Barbarian Hut

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 06:04AM by AutoModerator
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UxcbSe

Clash Royale – Art I Made for r/ClashofClans a while ago via /r/ClashRoyale

Art I Made for r/ClashofClans a while ago

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 01:27AM by Andiththekid
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UAfa8k

Clash Royale – Border dispute [image] via /r/ClashRoyale

Border dispute [image]

Submitted June 15, 2016 at 11:46PM by kingnapoleon4436
via reddit http://ift.tt/1rrbrSS

Clash Royale – I made a simple Random Deck Generator, more features soon. Check it out and tell me what you think. via /r/ClashRoyale

I made a simple Random Deck Generator, more features soon. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 12:09AM by Aacen
via reddit http://ift.tt/1rrc3YD

Clash Royale – Best elixer trade ever? 22-4! via /r/ClashRoyale

Best elixer trade ever? 22-4!

Submitted June 15, 2016 at 03:42PM by muledog17
via reddit http://ift.tt/1U9ZZTE