Tag Archives: hard mode

Banished – Is there any mod to fix this bug?

Is there any mod to fix this bug?

There is a pretty common and annoying bug where a family will split up into multiple houses if there is an extra. So a husband will leave his wife and kids to go take up a house all by himself. It's a waste because then a new couple cannot move in to that house and produce more kids. I hate having to click on every house to find the ones inhabited by one person and having to mark and unmark it for destruction so that the guy will move out and a new couple will move in.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 09:46AM by DoctorDoomsPvP
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UxCyHq

Banished – Foresters Lodge

Foresters Lodge

Hi, first time post here.

I have a question about forester lodges. I have set up 3 of the 'outpost' style forester lodges (+hunting / gatherer / 2 houses.) I cannot get my levels of wood correct. What should I be setting my logs output too? Will my foresters cut renew-ably? Or will they eventually deforest to the point where I have to stop them cutting for a few years?

I read somewhere that a wood house uses about 100 firewood to heat a house over winter. Do the houses use in the summer too? Or can I use 100 units per year to calc out my supply needs?


Submitted June 14, 2016 at 07:32AM by Twe4ks
via reddit http://ift.tt/1ttUHMO

Banished – Slow load times with CC 1.6 and DX9

Slow load times with CC 1.6 and DX9

For whatever reason, I had DX9 set rather than DX11. It caused the game to load with just a black screen and it seemed to take forever. I had to minimize the game and then go back to get it to load. Same thing with loading/starting a game. This was with the latest 1.05 build for the game and the latest CC Steam workshop 1.6 version. This load time issue seems to be exclusive with DX9 as when I turned it back to DX11, it loaded like normal for an SSD. Anyone else notice this?

Submitted June 13, 2016 at 12:23PM by Natirs
via reddit http://ift.tt/1sCnfmr

Banished – CC “Edibles Market” broken?

CC “Edibles Market” broken?

I think there may be something wrong with the edibles market, possibly in the assigned limits.

The problem is that it's not maintaining variety like the others do. If you place a regular market near a couple of bean fields then invariably farmers/laborers will start placing beans directly into the market. This will take the count above the markets set limit. The key thing is that in the regular market the vendors will start to remove the beans and shift then to the next market/barn. This is how the "Distribution Barn" works, it sets the target limit to 0 which has the worker constantly empty it.

The edibles markets doesn't do any of this & on my current map most of them are almost entirely full of a single type of good.

I've not seen the source for this resource but I suspect that the target count for each item is set beyond the total capacity for the market. IIRC it holds 10,000 items so the target count for each of the four food groups should be 2500. On my map there are Edibles Markets with with over 9000 of one item. My guess is that they've all been erroneously set to 10,000 each.

Interestingly, when it works right this is a very cool mechanic that can be used to build large cities that automatically move goods to where they are needed. One trick I use is to build markets at regular intervals. Say you had a chain of 10 markets equally spaced and at one end you had a crazy amount of bean fields. Provided you maintain a surplus you'll find that the beans make their way to the other side rather quickly as no one worker is carrying something the entire length. Works best if you put a dedicated kind of storage location in between them. Something like:


Where B is a barn, M is a market, F is a field and a dot is some equal measure of distance. I made my own dedicated storage barns for each food type to make this work best. The aim is to have the surplus stockpile for any good at the opposite end of town from the producer, thus flooding the town with that good.

Submitted June 13, 2016 at 11:23AM by Mondoshawan
via reddit http://ift.tt/1ZL91dx

Banished – older version of cc

older version of cc

hey does anyonew out there know where i can get a version of cc (ideally the most recent) that will run on banished 1.0.4. i just dont seem to be able to update to 1.0.5.

i keep seeing all the modded towns on here and want to build one so bad!

Submitted June 12, 2016 at 01:01AM by KingKellar
via reddit http://ift.tt/1rjfIaJ