Tag Archives: hard mode

Banished – Nomads getting stuck?

Nomads getting stuck?

Hey guys. I have a weird bug going on right now, and I'm not sure if its mods or not. I'm playing a lake waters map with CC TFA and RedKetchup NMT, both most recent versions. A couple other mods I won't play without(translucent menus, time is money…) but I have never had this issue. My first two groups of nomads came to my lighthouse/town hall just fine and dandy, but my last three groups are getting stuck on the edges of the map waaaaaay far away from my central little town. Even if I have ample laborers, they seem to be assigned jobs immediately and if I ask them to clearcut the area they're standing in, no one moves. I was hoping to at least get them to build a dock bridge to make it easier to get to me, but everyone just stands deathly still until they all starve to death. Any suggestions or anyone with similar experiences? I'm about to scrap this map and start a new one. I keep getting kids starving or freezing to death randomly as well, anda small town with 2k firewood and 50k food I feel like I shouldn't have that… Unless they're wandering across rivers and lakes somehow and getting stuck.

Submitted June 11, 2016 at 01:17PM by TheLillin
via reddit http://ift.tt/1YjYeZk

Banished – CC resources showing up on new map after disabling mod?

CC resources showing up on new map after disabling mod?

Last night I decided to start a new map to try for some high-population achievements, so I disabled Colonial Charter (which is up to date with The Forge Awakens) and allowed the game to reload before creating it. But after I'd been playing for about an hour or so, a merchant showed up selling hemp. Which is only grown and used in CC. I did a double-take and made sure none of the CC options were on my menu bar, but no, CC does seem to be disabled. Should I worry about this? Is it going to keep me from getting those all-important achievements, thus making the couple hours I spent with that town last night effectively wasted?

Submitted June 09, 2016 at 03:46PM by blood_on_the_snow
via reddit http://ift.tt/1YgHyli

Banished – Possible fix on games not saving with Wine

Possible fix on games not saving with Wine

So a while ago I made a post about my games not saving (Mac OSX with Wine). I think I've fixed it. Here are the exact steps I took. I'm sure some of them are unecessary but for the sake of completeness I'll list them all.

1) Find where your games are saved. Mine is ~/Banished/Saves though I also had a directory ~/Documents/Banished/Saves. You can test this by creating a dummy file and seeing if when you go into Banished and 'load' whether it's listed 2) create an empty save file in the directory (touch test.sav) 3) Open Banished, click load, and then delete this file. My theory is that deleting this file somehow tells the game to look there for save files. 4) Start a new game and save.

If 4 doesn't work, what I did was copy someone else's save from online into my saves directory, load it, then overwrite-save it, which proved that the saving worked. And then proceed with 4)

Hope it works!

Submitted June 08, 2016 at 10:45PM by aobtsmn
via reddit http://ift.tt/1ZzBIdu

Banished – How harsh is CC compared to the base game?

How harsh is CC compared to the base game?

I've recently started playing Banished again, mostly because I'm sick of multiplayers and need something that can be paused whenever. I'm still trying to get used to the game again (third attempt at a village failed yesterday) and would love to play Colonial Charter, but I'm unsure how difficult it would be without proper skill in the base game.

I would also like to know if there are any other mods compatible/incompatible with CC? I'm using several mods, like increasing Chapel capacity and infinite quarries/mines.

Submitted June 08, 2016 at 04:02AM by JedWasTaken
via reddit http://ift.tt/25LE3FJ

Banished – Whats next?

Whats next?

So I'm new to banished and have this little village set up and running:


What do I do now? My food/tool/clothes just accumulate but there's no real objective. this could seemingly run forever since i have about as many births as deaths.

Submitted June 07, 2016 at 07:04AM by jesta030
via reddit http://ift.tt/1rbedeM