Tag Archives: mmo

Elder Scrolls Online – Kvatch, the City of Corpses and Psychics.

Kvatch, the City of Corpses and Psychics.

So, after much waiting, my update finally downloaded. I immediately took to the Gold Coast, ready to start my career with the Dark Brotherhood. Eventually, I found myself in Kvatch and, oh my goodness, it was chaos! Corpses littered the streets, masked men and women rode the streets on giant wolves, being chased by guards. Even a simple civilian couldn't walk 5 yards without a knife being introduced to their interiors. Alas, I had a job to do, apparently some folk were speaking ill of the Dark Brotherhood, saying they were incapable of doing there jobs or something? Seemed a bit ironic.

Anyways, I found a sermonizor who was busy sermonizing a wall in the corner, surrounded by dead sermonizors. Eager to dispatch my first target, I stealthily approached. Or, I would have done if a gang of no less than 4 people hadn't charged out of nowhere and killed her. Seems like there was a queue so I waited in line.

Eventually, finally, it was my turn to kill. I checked my surroundings, there was nobody around, so I quickly dispatched my target. However, not all is as it seems with Kvatch as a voice echoed from god-knows-where, declaring me a criminal. How dare they! I searched the area again, but there was nobody around. I had a bounty and nobody to punish!

Still, I had a contract to fulfill and no disembodied voices of justice were going to stop me. I waded through the sea of corpses to my next target and politely waited for the other assassins to move on before I made my next kill.

Another target, another clean kill, another owner-less voice screaming for the guards. Whoever these mysterious people are, they are powerful and they are many.

They are also fekkin annoying.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 09:07AM by LukosCreyden
via reddit http://ift.tt/1YtA52f

Elder Scrolls Online – Assassin’s League Motif

Assassin’s League Motif

I've been searching around the Internet and I can't seem to find where they drop at. Someone said that the delve bosses have them, but does anyone know who has which ones? Or can anyone confirm this is where all the motifs are?

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 08:20AM by deadlocke21
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Uxx6EF

No Man’s Sky – Part of the the Paul Weir Interview typed out.

Part of the the Paul Weir Interview typed out.

They needed to find signature sounds for the game. They link unfamiliar sounds to familiar things, so you still will associate the sound with what you see.

The music is partly procedural and depends on what you are doing in the game. There are 3000 sections of music. It picks different tracks, like guitars, drums and so on and puts them together in the game. All that is controlled in real time. What the game picks is up to the moment in the game. There is also some traditional music played at key moments.

There is procedural audio in the game for one of the elements. Technically it solved a lot of problems They did something with it, but he's sure it will be the future. It's hard to implement. He's very happy that the game is almost finished. They've done there best. It will be very special, but even HG doesn't really know how it will be until we play it. He hopes people will like it, it wasn't a normal development.

I've only typed out the most important part, some chit chat was left out…. so it's not part anymore, pretty much the whole thing after my edits… typed while listening 🙂

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 07:21AM by BA1969
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Q7DW3C

Elder Scrolls Online – Constant crashes [PC]

Constant crashes [PC]

Hey guys. Just started new (played the beta, hated it, but i'm back!)

So yeah, I'm using a GTX660TI, i5, 8gb ram.

My problem is that it constantly crashes. Shows black screen, can hear sounds and move character but can't see anything. At first, it was just a driver crash when i was using an old driver. (365.19), so i thought to give it an update.

Updated to 368.39, and i can't even get through character select screen. It freezes, then shows me the eso error report log (didn't happen before the new updated driver)

I've done this:

SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D11" to "D3D9" and made sure i'm using the x64 version of the game.

What can i do? Little help? Thanks!

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 08:07AM by oIcaruso
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Pvu91J