Tag Archives: open world

No Man’s Sky – So, has anyone seen anything in the videos so far that fits the “explorer” category in this photo?

So, has anyone seen anything in the videos so far that fits the “explorer” category in this photo?

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 09:03AM by JediDroid
via reddit http://ift.tt/1ZTICdE

No Man’s Sky – Part of the the Paul Weir Interview typed out.

Part of the the Paul Weir Interview typed out.

They needed to find signature sounds for the game. They link unfamiliar sounds to familiar things, so you still will associate the sound with what you see.

The music is partly procedural and depends on what you are doing in the game. There are 3000 sections of music. It picks different tracks, like guitars, drums and so on and puts them together in the game. All that is controlled in real time. What the game picks is up to the moment in the game. There is also some traditional music played at key moments.

There is procedural audio in the game for one of the elements. Technically it solved a lot of problems They did something with it, but he's sure it will be the future. It's hard to implement. He's very happy that the game is almost finished. They've done there best. It will be very special, but even HG doesn't really know how it will be until we play it. He hopes people will like it, it wasn't a normal development.

I've only typed out the most important part, some chit chat was left out…. so it's not part anymore, pretty much the whole thing after my edits… typed while listening 🙂

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 07:21AM by BA1969
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Q7DW3C

No Man’s Sky – PSA: 1/4 of the delay period has passed.

PSA: 1/4 of the delay period has passed.

On the first day of the delay, we went from 25 days remaining to 74 days remaining.

74 / 4 = 18.5

74 – 18.5 = 56

We now have either 54 or 55 days remaining, depending on your timezone.

We may survive this after all.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 01:52AM by 7101334
via reddit http://ift.tt/25Z13EI

No Man’s Sky – Recap and question of No Man’s Sky Appearance at Sónar tomorrow.

Recap and question of No Man’s Sky Appearance at Sónar tomorrow.

We know three things (correct me if I'm wrong) about No Man's Sky's appearance tomorrow. There will be an event in Barcelona, Spain, called Sónar+D. We know that:

a) No Man's Sky will be playable in the hall of this event. In the same hall, there will also be PS:VR which has various playable games (almost certainly not NMS).

PlayStation España dispondrá de un stand propio en la zona de acceso a Sónar Hall en el que los asistentes podrán conocer de cerca el juego de Hello Games para PS4, No Man’s Sky. Además habrá varias unidades de PlayStation VR con demos tan impactantes como Until Dawn: Rush of Blood o PlayStation VR Worlds.

Although in Spanish, it translates to essentially what I just said. This can be found on PlayStation's official blog post, so we know it's legit.

b) At 3:30 PM (6:30 AM, PST), June 16th, Paul Weir, audio director for NMS, will be talking about the procedural audio in the game (both the animal sounds and the music).

Paul Weir, ofrecerá una charla a las tres y media de la tarde. Nuestro amigo Weir explicará la novedosa generación de sonidos de forma procedural del universo del juego.

He will discuss No Man’s Sky procedural creature vocalisation system and their generative music tool and the challenges involved in building these new applications.

c) Finally, 65daysofstatic will also be presenting an hour long concert that includes new music from the game, as well as old music, and impressive visuals. This will occur at 10:00 PM (1:00 PM, PST), June 16th.

Por la noche, el grupo británico 65DaysOfStatic tocará en directo algunos temas de la banda sonora de No Man’s Sky, creada por ellos. El concierto empezará a las 22:00 y cuenta con un espectacular montaje visual.

(Thursday 16 22:00 – 23:00) Their new live show will showcase the game’s infinite soundtrack generated in procedural audio form.

There you go. thought it would be useful for someone to organize everything. However, the most important question still remains. Does anyone know of some way to watch this event? Will it be livestreamed? Where? Will it be on Sony's YouTube channel? Has Paul Weir/65dos/HG tweeted anything about how to watch the event?

I'm also pretty salty about all this because I'm going to Barcelona in a month, causing me to narrowly miss this event, yet also manage to miss the release of the actual game. Oh well.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 02:45AM by blockanton
via reddit http://ift.tt/1W0y516