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League of Legends – EDG Vs RNG



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EDG | eSportspedia | Official Site | [Twitter]() | [Facebook]() | [Youtube]() | [Subreddit]()
RNG | eSportspedia | [Official Site]() | [Twitter]() | [Facebook]() | [Youtube]() | [Subreddit]()



MATCH 1: EDG (Blue) vs RNG (Red)

Winner: EDG Game Time: 00:00






  • [End-game screenshot]()
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  • [Who was the match MVP?](undefined)
Towers: 9 Gold: 65k Kills: 14
Mouse Ekko 1 3-1-2
ClearLove KhaZix 2 2-1-4
Scout Ryze 2 5-0-5
Deft Ashe 3 4-1-6
Meiko Bard 3 0-0-10
Towers: 1 Gold: 50k Kills: 4
Looper Maokai 1 0-2-1
Mlxg Graves 1 0-3-2
Xiaohu Viktor 2 0-2-1
Uzi Caitlyn 2 3-4-0
Mata Karma 3 1-3-3

1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.



MATCH 2: RNG (Blue) vs EDG (Red)

Winner: RNG Game Time: 00:00






  • [End-game screenshot]()
  • [Lolesports Match History]()
  • [Who was the match MVP?](undefined)
Towers: 11 Gold: 59k Kills: 11
Looper Swain 1 0-0-3
Mlxg RekSai 2 3-1-7
Xiaohu Viktor 2 3-0-4
Uzi Caitlyn 3 4-0-4
Mata Karma 3 1-1-6
Towers: 0 Gold: 42k Kills: 3
Mouse Trundle 1 0-0-0
ClearLove Gragas 1 1-3-1
Scout Azir 2 2-4-0
Deft Sivir 2 0-2-2
Meiko Nami 3 0-1-2

1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.



MATCH 3: EDG (Blue) vs RNG (Red)

Winner: EDG Game Time: 00:00






  • [End-game screenshot]()
  • [Lolesports Match History]()
  • [Who was the match MVP?](undefined)
Towers: 10 Gold: 68k Kills: 20
Mouse Ekko 1 5-0-10
ClearLove Graves 2 4-0-7
Scout Ryze 2 0-4-7
Deft Ezreal 3 7-0-10
Meiko Nami 3 3-3-9
Towers: 3 Gold: 57k Kills: 10
Looper Trundle 1 2-2-3
Mlxg gragas 1 4-3-2
Xiaohu Viktor 2 1-3-5
Uzi Sivir 2 2-4-5
Mata Braum 3 1-4-6

1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.



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Submitted June 16, 2016 at 07:44AM by EUWROaz
via reddit http://ift.tt/1PvsR6W

League of Legends – How to get all 6300+ IP Champions for 5100 IP each.

How to get all 6300+ IP Champions for 5100 IP each.

Buy all champions that are 4800 and below, then proceed to buy only champion shards from there, combining 3 champion shards guarantees you a champion permanent of a champion that you do not own.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 12:42AM by _Fiku
via reddit http://ift.tt/28Gj8Xc

League of Legends – Pobelter on countering Anivia w/ Vlad: ‘Turns out all the Vlads I’ve been playing against are bad’

Pobelter on countering Anivia w/ Vlad: ‘Turns out all the Vlads I’ve been playing against are bad’

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 12:36AM by kevO1597
via reddit http://ift.tt/28GiXep

Hearthstone – I started a Hearthstone comic.

I started a Hearthstone comic.


Hello, my name is Mark and I’m a British guy living in Japan (since 2010), working as a private English teacher.

I first found out about Hearthstone from watching Boogie2988. And I fell in love with the game straight away and I hadn’t even played it. Eventually I got my invite and I was hooked. It was so awesome. I loved all the characters, the artworks, the voices. It was as if they made the game just for me and I didn’t even know I wanted it.

Whenever I wasn’t playing Hearthstone I was thinking about it. Creating stories and jokes about the characters and the incredible moments I experienced.

At the start of summer last year, I thought about turning these stories into a comic. It has been so much fun for me and I’ve learnt a lot over the last year. I'm still learning and trying to get better, but I thought now would be a great time to share my little project.

It’s called 40 Dust.

Today’s comic features Ben Brode, who is an amazing gentleman. I must have written at least 10 comics just about him already. He’s just such a likeable and jolly fellow, that I can’t help but have the biggest grin on my face whenever I see him.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this. Have a wonderful day!

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 02:36AM by markrowberry
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UwU4vF