Tag Archives: xbone

Incredible Game Deals – [Playfield] Daily Deal – Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure $2.99 / 2.99€ / £2.09 (-70% off) – Steam keys included via /r/GameDeals

[Playfield] Daily Deal – Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure $2.99 / 2.99€ / £2.09 (-70% off) – Steam keys included

Occasionally we peruse the subreddit r/GameDeals to find you ridiculously HOT deals on games. Check out this deal, and act FAST because the sale won’t last forever! Happy gaming (and saving) from all of us at gamerelated.info! http://ift.tt/1oSGExU

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 10:00AM by Playfield
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UxD8VO

Incredible Game Deals – [GamersGate] Coffee Stain Weekend (16-20 June) | Super Sanctum TD ($0.52/87% off), Sanctum ($1.50/85% off), Sanctum 2 ($2.25/85% off), Sanctum 2 Season Pass ($1.80/85% off), Sanctum 2 Complete ($4.50/85% off), The Westport Independent ($4/60% off), Sanctum & Sanctum 2 DLCs 85% off | Mostly Steam via /r/GameDeals

[GamersGate] Coffee Stain Weekend (16-20 June) | Super Sanctum TD ($0.52/87% off), Sanctum ($1.50/85% off), Sanctum 2 ($2.25/85% off), Sanctum 2 Season Pass ($1.80/85% off), Sanctum 2 Complete ($4.50/85% off), The Westport Independent ($4/60% off), Sanctum & Sanctum 2 DLCs 85% off | Mostly Steam

Occasionally we peruse the subreddit r/GameDeals to find you ridiculously HOT deals on games. Check out this deal, and act FAST because the sale won’t last forever! Happy gaming (and saving) from all of us at gamerelated.info! http://ift.tt/1YtZeu6

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 09:46AM by skud79
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UQrOTb

Incredible Game Deals – [Steam][Release] Awareness Rooms ($4.49 / 10% off) – Offer ends 23 June via /r/GameDeals

[Steam][Release] Awareness Rooms ($4.49 / 10% off) – Offer ends 23 June

Occasionally we peruse the subreddit r/GameDeals to find you ridiculously HOT deals on games. Check out this deal, and act FAST because the sale won’t last forever! Happy gaming (and saving) from all of us at gamerelated.info! http://ift.tt/1UxDyvr

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 10:03AM by barrierstobridges
via reddit http://ift.tt/1UlhNh5

Fallout – My Thoughts on Nuka World Location: Springfield, MA via /r/Fallout

My Thoughts on Nuka World Location: Springfield, MA

Not sure if this theory has already been expressed, but if it has I think it's correct. First of all, Six Flags in Springfield is located in Massachusetts. It makes a lot more sense to me for the lone survivor to make his/her way to Springfield than to other theme parks located father away. Second of all, Six Flags is a sprawling theme park with a ton of rides and a full-fledged water park. Every year the park also does fright fest, where the woods around the park are decorated for a massive haunted trail. Since the bombs fell in October, fright fest would be all set up and there would be a large wooded area to explore.

For those of you not familiar with Sox Flags New England, I can say, having been there dozens of times, that it would make a sweet fallout location.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 07:43AM by Bravo514
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Q7HdjB

Fallout – I think Radio New Vegas is the best radio station in the Fallout series. via /r/Fallout

I think Radio New Vegas is the best radio station in the Fallout series.

Please tell me someone else agrees. Now, don't get me wrong, I've spent hours listening to both Diamond City Radio(both versions), and I loved Three Dog on GNR.

But there's just-..SOMETHING about Radio New Vegas. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's absolute perfection. The music is soothing and beautiful, not to mention Wayne Newton is one charismatic son of a bitch. I'm pretty sure his Charisma level is 10.

'You know, I tried to measure my charisma on a Vit-o-matic Vigor Testor to measure my charisma…the machine burst into flames.'

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 04:39AM by LeakyLine
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Pvee3r

Incredible Game Deals – [GOG] Summer Sale 2016: Day 9 | 4 new bundles – Agarest Collection, Tomb Raider Pack, Men of War Pack, Eschalon Trilogy | Other deals – Mini Metro ($6.99 / 30% off), SOMA ($17.99 / 40% off), Deathtrap ($8.49 / 50% off) and more! via /r/GameDeals

[GOG] Summer Sale 2016: Day 9 | 4 new bundles – Agarest Collection, Tomb Raider Pack, Men of War Pack, Eschalon Trilogy | Other deals – Mini Metro ($6.99 / 30% off), SOMA ($17.99 / 40% off), Deathtrap ($8.49 / 50% off) and more!

Occasionally we peruse the subreddit r/GameDeals to find you ridiculously HOT deals on games. Check out this deal, and act FAST because the sale won’t last forever! Happy gaming (and saving) from all of us at gamerelated.info! https://www.gog.com/

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 09:18AM by skud79
via reddit http://ift.tt/1XrnPQv

Fallout – My Idea for a sequel for New Vegas. via /r/Fallout

My Idea for a sequel for New Vegas.

So this is my idea. It takes place in 2296 in Texas.

Before I get started I'm going to lay down some history on what happened leading up to this idea.


After a NCR victory at the second battle of hoover dam, the legion retreated back to Arizona. With most of the legion leadership dead or captured the legion fell into anarchy with the legion dividing into many different factions.

This ended in the year 2282 when a person emerged claiming to be the son of Caesar. This person quickly gained followers and by 2284 reclaimed all legion territory. He started stabilising it and also integrating more technology to improve their army.

Meanwhile the NCR discovered another nation while exploring out past New Vegas. This nation was called the 'United Texan Federation'. Do to shared ideals such as democracy the NCR and UTF became quick friends.

To connect the two nations a old pre war railroad that went through the edge of Arizona and New Mexico located just outside of legion territory.

The NCR has also expanded into much of Nevada during this time and met little opposition due to the legion staying mostly quiet while rebuilding.

In 2285 are annexing much of Nevada the NCR secured the divided and took control of the nuclear weapons their.

Later in 2287 The Legion discovered a pre war nuclear silos with unfired nukes while exploring near Kansas.

After the NCR and Legion discovered that both of them had access two nukes a second cold war started this time between the NCR and Legion.

This Cold war started in the year 2288.

In 2290 the Legion had expanded north annexing many tribes into it's ranks. It has also started recruiting super mutants.

In 2292 the Legion attempted to negotiated with the UTF about them joining the legion. The UTF refused.

In 2293 the Legion begins a invasion of the United Texas Federation. The NCR is unable to help due to the fact that the Legion has nuclear weapons. The Legions sweeps through northern Texas with the UTF unprepared to defend themselves from such a foe.

By 2296 over half of Texas has been taken over by the legion. With constant war going on in the middle. The NCR has been secretly sending rangers to help train UTF troops and have been given them weapons.

Now that we got that out of the way let's get to the story of the game…


You are the Outcast. You were born into the Enclave before your bunker was destroyed by NCR forces and you were forced to integrate into the NCR. But after your heritage is revealed you were forced to leave the NCR or face punishment for the crimes of your family.

You fled to the UTF where no one has ever heard of the Enclave before to live in peace. This was until one day when the Legion started invading. Now the region is in a state of constant war between the UTF forces and the Legion invaders.

The Game starts with you waking up one day and doing you normal routine. Washing your face while looking in a Mirror (Character Creation). After doing that you hear a voice telling everyone to come outside.

After leaving you small one room house you see that the UTF are conscripting people. You get conscripted and then must fill out a forum and get asked a few questions (Tags, Special and Naming). You then get a really quick crash course on being a soldier (Tutorial).

But before you can complete you training and officially become a soldier the Legion attacks, killing most of the conscripts and soldiers leaving you one of the few survivors. Where your story goes from here is up to you….


The United Texan Federation: This is the federation that once controlled most of Texas. It is now struggling to defend against the invading legion.

The New Californian Republic: The Republic which controls Californian and Nevada. It has been sending rangers to secretly help train the UTF troops.

The Brotherhood of Steel: Are allied with the NCR currently and are also secretly helping the UTF for the NCR. This is their first time in Texas and have never ever been their before.

The New Caesar's Legion: Formed after the old Caesar's Legion fell into anarchy by a man who claims to be the son of Caesar. This person is known a Caesar the 2th.

The Enclave: Made up of a few tiny scattered hold outs and remnants. Mostly exists in Chicago.

The Texan Resistance: The general term for the rebels in Legion controlled Texas.


Note: These are only the ones I come up with now. These aren't all of them

Linda Homsom: A desert ranger who left when the NCR annexed them. Carries a hunting revolver.

Jerry Yonder: A ghoul who was a pre-war soldier. He has a deep hatred of anything communist and sees the Legion as the second china. Carries an assault rifle.

Rebecca Bishop: Is the daughter of the bastard son of the Chosen one. She moved to the UTF because she didn't want anything to do with mobster stuff. She is also still pretty loyal to the NCR despite moving away. Carries a laser pistol.

Cato Fabius: Is a legion agent who will join you if you side with the Legion. Carries a shishkebab.

Well That's the end of my idea. What do you think?

I reposted this and deleted my original post because I didn't like the title I made for it.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 04:35AM by ProfessorUber
via reddit http://ift.tt/1Ytsgtz

Fallout – I understand that Bethesda is all about keeping the Wasteland vibe going but it’s like they have never heard of a broom. Let me sweep the damn floor already! via /r/Fallout

I understand that Bethesda is all about keeping the Wasteland vibe going but it’s like they have never heard of a broom. Let me sweep the damn floor already!

Haha but really…

Submitted June 15, 2016 at 08:04PM by ThatVanceGuy
via reddit http://ift.tt/21np1mq

Incredible Game Deals – [Origin/PSN/Xbox] Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline (~$4.99/75% off) via /r/GameDeals

[Origin/PSN/Xbox] Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline (~$4.99/75% off)

Occasionally we peruse the subreddit r/GameDeals to find you ridiculously HOT deals on games. Check out this deal, and act FAST because the sale won’t last forever! Happy gaming (and saving) from all of us at gamerelated.info! http://ift.tt/1TjzhtA

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 02:52AM by goffballz
via reddit http://ift.tt/23d5tTA

Fallout – Piss off /r/Fallout in one sentence. via /r/Fallout

Piss off /r/Fallout in one sentence.

It doesn't have to be your opinion, but something that would get a whole bunch of people riled up.

Shamelessly stolen from /r/Metalgearsolid.

Submitted June 15, 2016 at 08:52PM by Plowright
via reddit http://ift.tt/1YsRWqp